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Mejask's Take on Hawaiian Retirement

Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for May 24. View this newsletter in your browser.

Home prices are going up. The National Association of Realtors® reports that the national median existing single-family home price in the first quarter was $232,100, up 6.9 percent from the first quarter of 2016 ($217,200) and the fastest growth since the second quarter of 2015 (8.2 percent). Prices increased the most in the South (8.8% vs year ago), and least in the Northeast (2.2%).

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Best Retirement States - Part 2

50 State Mini-Retirement Guides

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Lehi, Utah

This fast growing town of 50,000 hadn't been on our radar until recently. Located near Provo and at the head of Utah Lake, it has plenty of active communities that attract retirees. Recreation is big here with the lake, the mountains, and the Legacy Recreation Center, a huge complex.

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Forget "Plastics", Become a Senior Concierge

Dustin Hoffman's character in The Graduate would be old enough for retirement. And if looking for a job now, he might be given advice to become a "Senior Concierge". It's a whole new industry that is perfect for baby boomers - as a volunteer, part-time employee, or entrepreneur.

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Best Places to Retire

Kingsport, Tennessee

Located in northeastern Tennessee, this town has a nice downtown and many activities like a farmers market.  With many courses in the area, golf is popular as are other outdoor activities. TN is known as a low tax state.

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Here's What a Hawaiian Retirement Looks Like

Mejask is a long time Member who retired to Hawaii. In response to a request she has provided a detailed description at what retirement looks like in the Aloha State.  Mahalo!

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